Unleashing the Power of Retargeting in B2B


Ever wondered why people “open” your emails in your email campaigns, but why don’t they contact you?


Why do people never click the CTA, email, or fill out that form on your website?

Well! The reasons could be many. They may be shopping around, researching a particular topic, or just casually browsing. The reason could be any, but the fact of the matter is that they’ve wandered now. And if you want to re-direct them back, retargeting you the opportunity to remarket yourself back again and make that second impression. The reason why remarketing proves to be useful is that more than half of the buying process is already over. So when a prospect reaches out to the sales rep, his mind is almost made upon if he wants to make that purchase or not. It’s believed that as compared to other marketing tactics, remarketing tends to convert nearly 50 % of web traffic. Converting the window shoppers into customers is what retargeting does!

With marketing having its 2 main objectives, i.e

1) Building awareness and recognition of your brand

2) Encouraging return visits and search inquiries

And if you think if it works for B2B, it most certainly does. And one of the most prominent reasons is because the purchase journey is more drawn out in B2B as compared to B2C. It is because decision-making in B2B is relatively more time consuming, and business decisions are not made lightly. Typically, there are multiple decision-makers involved, with approvals to get and considerable budgets to consider- in which case, retargeting is an excellent way for brands to stay afloat and remain in the front sight. At the same time, businesses take their time to reach a decision.

How to Get Most Out of Your B2B Retargeting Strategy

1) Get Your Divisioning and Segmenting Right

Just like lead scoring, you need to categorize your audience into segments on the basis of their behavior and sales-readiness. It helps determine what ads and other marketing collaterals they receive depending on where they are in the purchasing journey. It helps create a more personalized interaction with them. Segmenting enables you to categorize people who visited your website and what page they stayed on for how long. These statistics can be matched with the data in your CRM. It helps you know your audience and your purchasing journey well, and convert leads with retargeting.

2) Remarket Your Customers at Every Stage of B2B Sales Funnel

This helps you capture leads depending on the stage they’re in the sales funnel. Since the typical duration of a sales cycle for B2B businesses ranges from four to seven months, it is a considerably good enough time to keep your prospects engaged. Relying on search traffic has a possibility of converting to business to only about 2%, which means the significant chunk of prospects is lost somewhere in between awareness or consideration stage of your funnel.  Retargeting helps you connect with them again, and this time, it may play to your advantage because you know where they’re at and how you can engage them. You should approach your B2B retargeting journey by keeping in consideration the three-stage trinity through which you can remarket your customers:

  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Nurturing and
  • Proposal

Once you’ve got these three in place, you can then get to work at a micro-level.

3) Create Exclusive Landing Pages Specific to the User Experience

Good knowledge and understanding of your target audience depending on where they’re at in the sales funnel, you can start working on and devising what messages and content to offer them. A customized landing page designed to serve a specific customer is more likely to encourage call-to-action. Make sure the content they access is well thought of after careful segmenting, and each segment is relative to exclusive customer experience. Typically, a prospect reaches a landing page by searching a website, email newsletter, social, or a blog post. An offer that is relevant to them and interesting enough will encourage them to take steps to fill out a form on the landing page, which then converts them from a visitor to a lead. You should incorporate the following to make your landing page effective.

A brief and compelling headline describing the offer

Subheading giving away the offer albeit subtly

An audio-visual representation talking about the offer

A brief note that explains the benefits or the perks of the offer

A CTA that fascinates the visitor to consider the offer

A very brief form to complete the claiming offer

Testimonials or reviews that may highlight the value of the offer

Designing exclusive landing pages can move a prospect towards conversion for sure.

Final Thoughts

With the number of competing businesses is withstanding today, we can’t stress enough about the advantages of retargeting in B2B and how and what relevant messaging can actually fetch us. All it takes is careful analysis and deliberation and a good understanding of your target audience and prospects. While retargeting is proved to be the most effective ways to re-engage with your leads, all you need to do is to maximize every opportunity there is until the conversion happens. With a little time and effort, you can have the most lucrative offer presented in the right way, at the right time and to the right people, and you’ll see the rewards flow in.

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